Ottawa New Horizons Band

Ottawa New Horizons Band

Music for life

Ottawa New Horizons Band

Ottawa New Horizons Band


Registration for the Spring 2024 session is closed

Before registering below for the Spring 2024 session, please refer to detailed information for all bands.

Registration closes on April 8.

Payment options include:



made out to Ottawa New Horizons Band. On the memo line, put your name (if different from the name on the cheque) and the name(s) of your band.

Mail cheque to:
745 Island Park Drive
Ottawa ON K1Y 0B9


Credit Card

via the PayPal portal (you do not need a PalPal account to pay with your credit card)


made out to Ottawa New Horizons Band. On the memo line, put your name (if different from the name on the cheque) and the name(s) of your band.

Mail cheque to:
745 Island Park Drive
Ottawa ON K1Y 0B9

You will receive an automatic email confirming your registration – you may have to check your spam folder. If you choose to “skip online payment” during the registration process, you must send payment via email transfer or cheque. Registration is not complete until payment is received.

If you wish to change your registration after submitting the form (for example, switch from one band to another), please email