Ottawa New Horizons Band

Ottawa New Horizons Band

Music for life

Ottawa New Horizons Band

Ottawa New Horizons Band

ONHB Affiliations

New Horizons International

New Horizons International Music Association (NHIMA) is an international non-profit organization committed to the New Horizons philosophy of music making and undertakes initiatives designed to support the development and growth of New Horizons music organizations.

ONHB is a group member of the NHIMA, and we encourage our participants to join.  

As a non-profit organization, NHIMA will be seeking grants and funding for both the organization in general and for special events such as camps and institutes, which will help to make these events more affordable for you. A significant member base will be more influential as NHIMA attempts to negotiate favourable agreements for member organizations.

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Canadian Amateur Musicians

CAMMAC’s mission is to encourage people of all ages to experience the joy of making music together in a welcoming, supportive environment.

Each summer, participants from all over the world spend time at the CAMMAC music camp in the Laurentians.  In addition to its Music Centre in the Laurentians, CAMMAC has a presence in the Ottawa-Gatineau, Toronto, and Montreal regions, where an array of musical activities are offered—ranging from concerts to sight readings, and more.

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